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El Edificio de estudiantes de la Universidad San Jorge, "Modelo de integración y equilibrio"...

La Universidad San Jorge, entidad perteneciente al Grupo San Valero que promovió en su día el proyecto LIFE DOMOTIC; viene aplicando en sus proyectos de renovación y construcción los criterios validados en dicho proyecto.

Entre ellos, los de economía de medios y flexibilidad aplicados en fase de diseño a la construcción del edificio de servicios para el alumnado recientemente construido en su campus, además de facilitar su rápida ejecución y proporcionar al edificio la capacidad de evolucionar, crecer y adaptarse a las nuevas necesidades en el futuro; han sido la base para concerder a sus arquitectos D. Antonio Lorén y Olatz Maestre el "Trofeo Ricardo Magdalena" del Instituto Fernando El Católico, por "la apropiada inserción del edificio en un entorno ecléctico y el equilibrio conseguido entre el interior y el exterior" del mismo.

Noticia: [ Descarga - pdf ]

Edificio de Estudiantes de la Universidad San Jorge


Por segundo año consecutivo un proyecto de la Fundación San Valero recibe el premio "Best LIFE" de la Comisión Europea por los desarrollos realizados a favor de la "Lucha contra el Cambio Climático".

Nieves Zubalez, coordinadora del proyecto, explica en qué consiste el proyecto LIFE DOMOTIC

Aragón TV se hizo eco de la noticia ( Vídeo: Aragón en Abierto ) ( También en "youtube" )


La Comisión Europea ha seleccionado el proyecto Life Domotic como uno de los 25 mejores proyectos LIFE en la Convocatoria de los Premios "Best LIFE 2015".

El proyecto, coordinado por Fundación San Valero y en el que participaron Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León, la Agencia de la Energía de Graz (Austria), Europa Innovación y Desarrollo y la Asociación para el Desarrollo y la Sostenibilidad; ha demostrado el potencial de reducción del consumo energético y de emisiones de CO2 que tienen las tecnologías domóticas e inmóticas aplicadas a la "construcción inteligente" de edificios...

La Comisión Europea ha iniciado ahora el proceso Online para elegir, de entre estos proyectos, el 'Best of the Best'...

Noticia "20 minutos" [ Descarga - pdf ]



Asociación para el Desarrollo y la Sostenibilidad


The association for Development and Sustainability, ADESOS, is a non-profit organisation  that contributes to society development at all levels both at socio-economic policies for higher economic level, and therefore the development and competitiveness of businesses and individuals in their fields of work, innovation, research and international advocacy, as social improvements, especially in promoting the fight against social and gender inequalities and the environment, always under the criteria of sustainability policies in time of short, medium and long term.

Our head office is in La Rioja and have regional delegation in Islas Baleares.

We are in constitution process in Castilla-León, Islas Canarias and Comunidad Valenciana in Spain, United Kingdom and Belgium in Europe and Argentina and Mexico internationally.

We are making arrangements for our estabishment in Cornisa Cantábrica, Navarra-Pais Vasco, Aragón, Cataluña y Andalucía in Spain and France, Italy, Austria, Russia, United States, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Peru, Egypt and Morocco in our international Grown plan.

ADESOS is a non-profit organisation that focuses its activities mainly:

  • Collaborating with Administration for assisting  unemployers to improve their access to a place of work.
  • Improving unemployers´ qualification and designing new training itineraries
  • Supporting the Administration in the management and implementation of their development projects about ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), environment, quality and innovation.
  • Collaborating with local authorities helping the project´s trasferability.

Enables permanent coordination in support of the initiatives arising from the administration and. With the transfer of knowledge sharing through the development of projects in national and European level we increased specialization in defending our goals. Moreover we have a framework for continued collaboration with local authorities and municipalities and their representatives through their representatives, federations, associations, local action groups and others.


Our actions are based on the use of information technologies and communication, and the updating and development of any tool or environment that can bring these technologies for development, base of our philosophy in all areas.

We participate in the promotion of projects in the field of ICT, development and promotion of social networks, platforms, both formative and relational and dissemination, and implementation of new technologies and media to help its development and diffusion.

One of our major goals is the use of new social networks as a means of dissemination and exchange of information globally.

We also have an experienced communication, marketing, publicity, media network. We can make an efficient, quick and professional dissemination with all the marketing and social impact  tools, thanks to a selected multidisciplinary team, leader in the field of global communication.


ADESOS is an entity representative of the tertiary sector with an associating character. It is specialized in the design and execution of communication strategies and dissemination to boost actions for Environment.

ADESOS have an objetive in the very specific environment and energy field. Since the decisions we make in the next ten or fifteen years will have significant consequences for energy security, climate change, growth and employment, we must exploit the potential of information and communication technologies, as well as organizational innovations and government and market-based instruments to manage the demand and promote new markets, we must carry out projects to stem the ongoing development towards permanent sustainability.


We're Working to be a referent in the development of activities relating to science and technology areas, for their potential and capacity for technological innovation and eco-efficiency. Playing a major role in the implementation of advanced technology transfer and application of innovative SMEs and participating in networks of excellence for companies and entities in the environmental area.

We contribute with the added value of an expert association in the enviromental ambit and with tools and communication and dissemination strategies to reinforce the project impact.